0 votes

Is it possible to have Adaxes bulk import the user pictures? We already have the pictures in a directory named with the user's employeeid. Was hoping to import them using that to match.

Thanks again for your help

by (1.2k points)


This is possible with a PowerShell script. You can use the script with Business Rules, Custom Commands or Scheduled Tasks with the help of a Run a program or PowerShell script action. We've already assigned our scripting guy the task to write the script for you and will update you as soon as he's ready.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Here's the script that should do the job:

$userDirectoryPath = "\\server\share\UsersInfo" # TODO: modify me
$pictureFileName = "%username%.jpg" # TODO: modify me

# Get EmployeeId
    $employeeId = $Context.TargetObject.Get("employeeID")

# Build user folder path
$userDirectoryPath = "$userDirectoryPath\$employeeId"
# Test user folder path
if(!(Test-Path -Path $userDirectoryPath))
    $Context.LogMessage("Folder $userDirectoryPath was not found.", "Error") # TODO: modify me

# Build user picture path
$picturePath = "$userDirectoryPath\$pictureFileName"
if(!(Test-Path -Path $picturePath))
    $Context.LogMessage("The path to the user's picture is incorect.", "Error") # TODO: modify me

# Save picture to AD
[Byte[]]$pictureInByte = Get-Content $picturePath -Encoding Byte
$Context.TargetObject.Put("thumbnailPhoto", $pictureInByte)

In the script, $userDirectoryPath specifies the path to the folder where subfolders with user pictures are located, and $pictureFileName specifies the template for generating the picture filename for each user. Modify the script to your requirements.

You can use the script in Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks with the Run a program or PowerShell script action.

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