The Personal Title field is commonly used by various applications to generate e-mail messages. For example, when you configure Adaxes to automatically send e-mail notifications to users, you can specify the following in the message body:
Hello %personalTitle% %name%...
this will be replaced with something like
Hello Mr. John Doe
It is possible to specify a list of possible values (e.g. Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.) for this property using Property Patterns. In this case, users will be able to select appropriate value from a drop-down list. On how to do this, see Specify List of Departments to Avoid Repetitive Typing.
It is possible to remove the Personal Title field from the form using the Web Interface Customization Tool.

For more details, see Customize Forms for User Creation and Editing.
Also while working on this someone suggested that it would be nice while browsing AD in the self service if the user's picture could be displayed in the listing. I tried adding the picture field to the list of fields that get used, but the web page was unable to display it. More of a feature request I suppose.
This feature is in our TODO list. Thanks for the suggestion.