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In advance of the 2013.1 release, here's some feature reuests for 2013.2!

  • Persistent feature request forum so we can all see and vote on each others (good) expeience anf feature requests with Adaxes!

    Hierarchal item lists - for example, if I choose 'IT' as the Department attruibute, only the linked IT department entries are available for 'Manager', 'Office' etc

    Custom columns in Console - ability to select custom columns for display in the native console, rather than the default 'Description' only etc (would very useful for tactical searching and ordering for bulk edits, especially when using custom fields not available for LDAP searches etc)

    Web Search Filter - ability to pre-set 'background' filters on the Search option so that only predefined areas will be searched i.e. not relying on access controls to define what results are returned.

    'My Team' filter - as above (in my case, stop 'service accounts' that have a user defined as their owner - Manager - being returned in the Team view)

    Search using pick list text - if a attribute has an assigned pick list, display these in the Search options i.e. Department IS "IT | Audit" etc.

    "Frame Mode" web portal - custom portal option to strip extraneous headers etc so that it can be easily loaded as a frame in an existing corporate intranet.

    Email based approvals - ability to approve a request by replying to the notification email.



by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


First of all, thank you for your active participation on our forum. we really appreciate it very much!

As to the Adaxes 2013.2, we've already done the planning for the release and fixed the list of features to be implemented. There can still be minor changes to the plan for the release, but it is already too late to add new features to it. Anyway, thank you for your suggestions. They are good points to our TODO list, if not for the next release, then for the releases to come after 2013.2.

Persistent feature request forum so we can all see and vote on each others (good) expeience anf feature requests with Adaxes!

We are planning to publish our product roadmap in the nearest future.

Hierarchal item lists - for example, if I choose 'IT' as the Department attruibute, only the linked IT department entries are available for 'Manager', 'Office' etc

We have such a feature in our TODO list, however it is not in our plans for the nearest future. This will take quite a lot of time to implement, so we will need to make thorough planning before we can start.

Custom columns in Console - ability to select custom columns for display in the native console, rather than the default 'Description' only etc (would very useful for tactical searching and ordering for bulk edits, especially when using custom fields not available for LDAP searches etc)

In our release that will be next after 2013.2 (it is going to be either 2013.3 if we manage to release it by the end of the year or 2014.1 at the very beginning of the next year) we are going to considerably enhance the AD Reporting feature. Custom columns for the Administration Console is a part of that feature.

Web Search Filter - ability to pre-set 'background' filters on the Search option so that only predefined areas will be searched i.e. not relying on access controls to define what results are returned.

We were asked for such functionality that if a user is, for example, a member of the Sales Group or located in the Sales OU, the search results returned to the user would be limited to only the objects located in his/her OU or members of the group that the user is a member of. Is that something that you would like Adaxes to do? If yes, then we have such a suggestion on our list.

'My Team' filter - as above (in my case, stop 'service accounts' that have a user defined as their owner - Manager - being returned in the Team view)

A sound suggestion, thank you! We have added that to our TODO list.

Search using pick list text - if a attribute has an assigned pick list, display these in the Search options i.e. Department IS "IT | Audit" etc.

It is a good idea, but... Property Patterns are created for a certain object type. So, for example, a list defined for the User object type will apply to users only and should not affect contacts, for example. And since it is Search, there is no definite object type that we can load the Property Pattern for. The search can return users, but it also can return Contacts or Groups. So, it is difficult to bind to a specific Property Pattern for this purpose. Also, there may exist different Property Patterns for the same object types (for example, different Property Patterns that include different OUs in their Activity Scopes). That is an issue. But anyway, a good suggestion that we've added to our TODO list. We'll be thinking on how we can handle this.

"Frame Mode" web portal - custom portal option to strip extraneous headers etc so that it can be easily loaded as a frame in an existing corporate intranet.

We are planning major UI improvements for the release that will be next after Adaxes 2013.2. For that release we are planning major UI enhancements both for the Administration Console and for the Web Interface. We've added this suggestion to the list of enhancements for the release.

Email based approvals - ability to approve a request by replying to the notification email.

The feature is in our TODO list, but no detailed plans on implementing it so far.

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