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I have two issues with custom attributes.

1. I have added the When Marked for Deletion and another custom property we made as an available column in the search results, but the data is never shown. If I go to the view form for the user object, I am able to see data for these properties. Is there something I need to do to be able to see the data in these properties in the search results column?

2. Can the Adaxes PowerShell commands access these custom properties? I have tries to query users with When Marked for Deletion and I am unable to figure out how to get get-admuser to use this property.

by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2015

Starting with Adaxes 2015, you can retrieve values of custom attributes for objects using Adaxes cmdlets just the way you do it for other properties using the -Properties parameter. The attributes are available only in Adaxes and thus the -AdaxesService parameter is required to retrieve their values. For example:

$users = Get-AdmUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=My OU,DC=domain,DC=com" -AdaxesService localhost -Properties @("adm-CustomAttributeText1")



1. Searching by virtual properties is not supported. Virtual properties are also not fetched with search results, so even if you add the property as an available column, the property will not be fetched anyway.

2. Currently, you cannot get values for virtual properties using PowerShell cmdlets, but you can do this by using Adaxes ADSI API. For example, you can use the Get method of the IADs interface that is exposed by every directory object. For instructions on how to use the interface and a sample script, see the IADs article in our SDK. Also, if you are trying to get the value for a Custom Property in a PowerShell script executed by a Business Rule, Custom Command or Scheduled Task, you can use value references to get values for virtual properties. For example, %adm-WhenMarkedIncative% will return the When Marked Inactive property.

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