Are you sure that you are viewing the same Web Interface type (Administrator) that you configure? The available properties are configured differently for each Web Interface type.
Also, if you've installed the Web Interface on several computers, you'll need to make the configuration on each computer where the Web Interface is installed because currently Web interface configuration is not replicated. To make this easier, you can use Web Interface backup / restore to back up the configuration on the computer where you've configured the available columns, and then restore it on all the other computers. For information on how to back up / restore Web interface configuration, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Conf ... onfig.html.
As for changing the order of the available properties and columns, you won't be able to change the order of Available Properties. They are always sorted alphabetically. The possibility to sort Available Columns was added in Adaxes 2014.1 After upgrade to Adaxes 2014.1, in the Web Interface Customization tool you'll see 2 arrows at the bottom of the columns list that allow you to move the currently selected column up or down (i.e. to the left or to the right in the Web interface).