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When I make a change to a specific interface type via the "Adaxes Web Interface Customization" application, those changes are not getting updated on the corresponding site, even when resetting IIS.

For example, on the Self Service interface I went to AD Management --> Customize Forms and Views... and removed all sections from the User object type but "Account," removed all section fields in "Account" but "User Logon Name" and "Password Expiration Date," and clicked apply and OK. When I logged into the site with a test user ID setup to mimic a typical user, all sections were present. Moreover, in the Account section, all fields were present.

Based on the documentation I have been seeing on the site, these changes should apply automatically without an IIS reset. Am I missing something?

by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


First of all, make sure that you are making changes to the correct Web Interface type as forms and views are configured separately for each interface type (Administrator, Help Desk or Self Service). In your example, the Self Service Web Interface type should be selected in the Interface type drop-down list at the top of the Adaxes Web Interface Customization window.

Also, you should remember that if you are using a Home Page Action to view a user's account and have setup the Home Page Action to use a customized form, the form of the Home Page Action will not take the changes that were made to the default form. So, if you are using a Home Page Action, you need to customize the form of the Home Page Action instead. For information on how to customize the form used for the View User Home Page Action, see The 4th step of the View Object section in the Configure Home Page Actions Tutorial.


This is resolved. We weren't aware, but it turns out the Web Interface Customization applcaiton doesn't like it when you change the physical path of the Admin, Help Desk and Self Serivce sites in IIS from that which is intially set by the Adaxes installer. As soon as we moved the files back to their original location and restored the original physical paths in IIS, the site appeared as expected.



If you move the folders that host Web Interface sites from the folder where they are originally located, the Web Interface Customization tool will not be able to find the Web Interfaces. However, if you just rename the folders, but leave them in the same folder that they are originally located, which is C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\ by default, the Web Interface Customization tool will accept such changes.

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