0 votes

This is the first time I have created a new user with the newest release and I encountered this error when the commands tried to create the mailbox:

Property expression "martinJ" isn't valid. Valid values are: Strings that includes '@', where '@' cannot be the last character Property Name: UserPrincipalName

I haven't changed any of the property patterns, and I don't see one specifically for the error I've encountered.

By the way, this happens if I manually invoke the Exchange task to create a new mailbox.

by (470 points)

Here is more information on this issue...

Actually, the mailbox creation fails even directly in Exchange, and the cause is because of an incomplete UPN. This is easily corrected in ADUC on the account tab of the user account. Just pop the domain in the dropdown menu and save it. Once done, all is good again.

However, we see this happening whenever new accounts get created in Adaxes. Whenever the uniqueness script checks and must alter the username due to non-uniqueness, the account gets created without the UPN suffix for some reason.

I hope that helps troubleshoot the issue, as we do encounter this often.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


Did you take the username uniqueness script from the Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script Tutorial? If so, there's a small bug in the sample script. It doesn't set the User Logon Name property correctly. Here's a modified version of the script that adds a UPN suffix to the User Logon Name:

Import-Module Adaxes

function IsUserNameUnique($username)

   $user = Get-AdmUser $username -erroraction silentlycontinue
   return $user -eq $Null;

# Get the username
$username = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue("samAccountName");

# Check if the username is unique
if (IsUserNameUnique($username))

# If the username is not unique, generate a unique one
$uniqueUsername = $Null;
for ($i = 1; $True; $i++)
    $uniqueUsername = $username + $i;
    if (IsUserNameUnique($uniqueUsername))

# Update User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000)
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("samAccountName", $uniqueUsername)

# Get domain name
$domaiName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")

# Update User Logon Name
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("userPrincipalName", "$uniqueUsername@$domaiName");
$Context.LogMessage("The username been changed to " + "$uniqueUsername@$domaiName" `
+ ".", "Information")

Setting unique usernames with the modified script should correct the issue.


Perfect! Actually our uniqueness script was customized with Adaxes support last year and this will eliminate this troublesome bug.


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