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is there a chance to "pre" populate address fields based on department.
So for example if I have a list of departments where the user can choose from, based on the department he had chosen, the address fields should be automatically filled in.

And yes I know there's away to do that be using patterns, custom commands and business rules but thats not what I want to do.

The user should have a chance to see the address which is linked to the department and in case he's a home office worker, he should be able to change the address to his own.

Thanks in advance

by (960 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


We have a similar request in our TODO list, but currently this is impossible. However, you can use a workaround. You can create two separate Home Page Actions with customized forms. One of the Home Page Actions will allow users to specify their address, and the other one will not contain the field to specify an address. Then, you can create a Business Rule that will automatically set an address for a user based on the user's department, but only if address if not specified. To implement such a solution:

  1. Create Home Page Actions with customized forms. For information on how to accomplish the task, see the Configure Home Page Actions Tutorial.

    • For information on how to configure such Home Page Actions for creating new users, see the Create New Object section. For information on how to configure such Home Page Actions for modifying users, see the Modify Object section.
    • On the 4th step of each section you will find information on how to customize the form used for the Home Page Action and add/remove the fields you need. For the Home Page Action that is used for in-house workers, you will need to remove the Street Address field and other fields that you may use to specify the address (State/Province**Zip/Postal Code** etc).
  2. Create a Business Rule to set address automatically. For information on how to create a Business Rule that will set the user's address automatically based on department, see the Automatically Set Users' Address Based on Their Office Tutorial that describes a very similar task. Use it as a guide. In the Create a Custom Command to Update User Addresses section of the Tutorial you will find information on how to create a Custom Command that updates user addresses, and in the final section of the Tutorial you will find information on how to execute the Custom Command on user creation and modification. To update user addresses based on their department:

    • On the 5th step of the Create a Custom Command to Update User Addresses Section, select the Department property and specify the department name you need.

    • After performing the 5th step, you need to add one more condition to check if the address is empty. To do this:

      • Right-click the action/condition set.
      • Select Add Condition in the context menu.
      • Select the If <property><relation><value> condition type.
      • In the Condition Parameters section, specify *Street Address* is empty and click OK**.

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