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I noticed that if you target the same scope with more than one property pattern, the oldest one will apply for conflicting attributes.

As I am doing some inheritance (for some sub scope I do have conflicting property pattern) this is not really convienient. It would be great if the property pattern could be applied like GPO, the closest to the object object wins.


Property pattern A
DisplayName is required
Name must match [a-z]
Scope: OU=Test

Property pattern B
DisplayName is not required
Scope: OU=Demo,OU=Test

If you create A before B, the displayname will be required for object created in OU=Demo,OU=Test instead of not being required.

In one of my PowerShell script I wanted to do a modulo, but as the operator is %, which is used for replacement by adaxes. Do you have a workaround for this?

Thank you

by (750 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


As to the Property Patterns issue, we already have a similar request in our TODO list. The issue of selecting among conflicting Property Patterns will be resolved in one of the future releases.

As to the modulo operator, whenever you need a percent sign (%) in a PowerShell script executed by Custom Commands, Business Rules or Scheduled Tasks, just use a double percent sign (%%), for example:

$myValue = 10%%4

Thanks, as always it is very helpful!



What is the status on this issue?

I am using the double percentage syntax for modulo, but this causes a error popup when I try to save, which says:

The script contains errors.

Would you like to continue anyway?

The script do work if click "Ok" and save with the error, but having to repeatedly click "Ok" one extra time every time I change something in the script quickly becomes tedious. But that is not a particularly significant problem, what might cause actual trouble is that this might mask actual errors.

This is the error message btw:

You must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the '%' operator.

And this is the line of code causing this:

$remainder = $number %% $chars.Length


Hello Martin,

What is the status on this issue?

The status has not changed.

I am using the double percentage syntax for modulo, but this causes a error popup when I try to save

The issue was fixed in Adaxes 2018.1.


Ok, thank you for the reply.
We are currently using version 2017.1.

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