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Hello Again,

We are experiencing a few issues with Exchange 2003:

- When the primary mail address is changed, the mail attribute is not updated

I could workarround that quite easily with the following script (launched Before modifying Exchange properties of a User):

    $proxyAddresses | ? {$_ -cmatch "SMTP:(.+)"} | foreach { $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValues("mail", $Matches[1])}
  • One mailbox store is missing in Adaxes GUI, see capture. I checked ACLs & co, but I was unable to see any differences between the working mailbxstores and the missing one.

I would also propose a feature request regarding Business Unit:

It would be great if Business Unit membership could be checked before user modification (with uncommited data).

Here is a concrete example:

  • I create a Business Unit called external, dynamically built with every users having EmployeeID set as External
  • I create a property pattern targeting the Business Unit External (defined above) and enforce that the Field company is required

If I create a new user or edit a non external user Adaxes allows me to have its EmployeeID set to External and the company field empty. The property pattern will only be enforced once the modification has been set in the AD. Adding an option to check Business Unit membership with uncommited data would solve this issue and add flexibility.

Thank you in advance


(Missing mailbox store)

(All mailbox stores)

by (750 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

Hello Pierre,

When the primary mail address is changed, the mail attribute is not updated

The Email property is updated when changing the primary address only in Exchange 2003. When adding support for Exchange management in Adaxes, we based of the latest versions of Exchange, Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013. In Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013, the Email property is not changed when setting a primary SMTP address.

If you need such functionality, the workaround that you use is one of the possible options, it will work.

One mailbox store is missing in Adaxes GUI, see capture. I checked ACLs & co, but I was unable to see any differences between the working mailbxstores and the missing one.

Can you highlight the missing one? We found 8 mailbox databases under S5009 and also eight databases under S5010, both on the screenshot of your Exchange Server Manager and on the Screenshot from Adaxes.

Feature Request

Thanks for your suggestion, but it will be impossible to implement. The thing is that when a user is not yet created, the account cannot be included in Business Units. The account is not yet located in any Organizational Units / Containers, it is not yet a member of any groups, and search rules will not work as well.

However, we have a feature request in our TODO list to make it possible to dynamically generate possible values for a property depending on what is selected/entered for another property. For example, it will be able to have one list of Departments for one Company, and a completely different list for another Company. The feature will be available in one of the future releases.


Hello again,

Thanks for your support. You are right, no mailbox store is missing.

They were just poorly named. This was caused by the attribute adminDisplayName which is not correctly set when the mailboxstore is renamed.

I cleared it out and everything went fine.


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