We have almost 200 departments, and I need to add all of them to the drop down for the Department field (via Property Patterns).
Is there a way to add all the 200 department names to the drop down list in a single shot instead of adding one by one?
In Adaxes 2011.1 you can add property values either from a file or from the clipboard. The values must be separated by line breaks.
How to check if our license key is compatible with 2011.1?
Please send me your license ID via PM or email.
Thank you!
Users are asking if they can change their name to suit preferred names as opposed to birth names? Is this possible?
All, Looking for some advice / guidance on something I've been working on. We have a pshell script in place currently that reads from a flat file we pull out of our ... remove the user from the "old" department group. Thoughts? Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Is it possible to retrieve the first letter of first names (double name). example: Jean-Francois -> jf thx
We have 3 email domains. 1 primary and 2 subsidary companies. I'm needing to automate setting the email domain during user creation based on department. See attached ... to be able to automate this for ongoing maintenance if users move between departments.
During the creation of a new user I want to be able to select the job title from a drop-down list which populates different values based on which Department is selected. Is there a way to achieve this? Thanks. Dario.