Whenever an account is deleted, it is impossible to create exactly the same account. You can create an almost completely identical account with the same username, group memberships etc, but it will have, for example, a different Security Identifier (SID). Other properties that are set by the system, for example, When Created, will also be different for the new account. Also, you will not be able to export the user's password, so you will need to set the password during user import.
For an example of a script that exports a user account to a CSV file, see the 5th step of the Run PowerShell Script after Creating a User Tutorial at http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... ngUser.htm.
For information on how to import user accounts from CSV files, see Import User Accounts from a CSV File. Note, however, that if you import certain properties that can be set by the system only (such as Member Of or Direct Reports), you need to handle them in a special way. For example, instead of trying to change the Member Of property directly, in your script you need to bind to the group that is specified in the Member Of property and change the Member property of that group. For example on how to accomplish the task, see the article on adding and removing users from groups in our SDK: http://adaxes.com/sdk/?SampleScripts.Ad ... roups.html.