0 votes

I have been trying to import a test account using a .csv file, and regardless of the attributes I use, I get a "The parameter is incorrect" error. I have confirmed that the account I am using for Adaxes has Enterprise Admin rights. I have tried importing from both a network share and locally with no luck. I have also tried all of the different parameters in the Content Options of the Import Data Wizard with no success. I am probably doing something wrong, but there are no specific errors aside from "The parameter is incorrect" that I can find.


by (360 points)


Can you post your CSV file here or send it to support[at]adaxes.com?


I have emailed the .csv to the support email address. Thank you!

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


It looks like you are using an old version of Adaxes, since the latest one shows a warning if a CSV file contains a column for a property, which is not defined in the AD schema. In your case the incorrect property is office:

The LDAP name of the Office property is physicalDeliveryOfficeName. So, the header of your CSV file should look as follows:


For more details, see View Property Name Mapping in http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveD ... SVFile.htm

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