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I'm not sure if I'm going in the right direction as far as troubleshooting but when the HD try to edit a user after filling in the required fields, we get an error "parameter is incorrect. server: domain.com".

would this relate to the email field that's required in the user pattern? (FYI-that field has our new UPN suffix hardcoded)

EDIT---so after looking at the log record, I see it has set lockout time in addition to the other fields being changed or rather being recorded. Lockout time was not one of the fields we were editing. FYI- the acct is currently locked but not sure why and how that would relate to the error message we are receiving.

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The reason for the initial error is the attempt to modify the Lockout-Time property. The thing is that you can only set the value of the Lockout-Time property to Unspecified, which is the same as unlocking the account. Attempting to set the property to a value other than Unspecified will cause the The parameter is incorrect error, because an account can be locked by the system only.

The value can be set by a Property Pattern. To check this:

  1. Get a list of Property Patterns that affect the user in question. For information on how to do this, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePrope ... jects.html.
  2. Check whether any of the Property Patterns are set up to generate a default value for the Lockout-Time property on editing a user.

Also, if you are using a Home Page Action, the value can be set as a predefined field of the Home Page Action. To check this:

  1. Launch the Web interface Customization tool.
  2. in the Interface type drop-down list, select the Web interface type that was used when the error occurred.
  3. On the General tab, click Configure Home Page Actions.
  4. Double-click the Home Page Action that was used to edit the user.
  5. Switch to the Form Customization tab.
  6. In the Predefined Fields section, search for the Lockout-Time property.

I went in to test the same user, not modifying the lockout time and got the same error.
When viewing user, the lockout-time property already has a date, which lets us know the date the acct is locked, right?

I checked the property pattern, and the one being applied only has description and manager required.

The form being used is the default user pattern, which doesn't have lockout-time property.


is there anywhere else I need to look?

Can someone help out w/ this?



Is the Lockout-Time property present on the form that you use to modify the user?

Also, are you using a Home Page Action to edit the user (for example, the Modify User Home Page Action), or simply browse to the user, open the user's properties and click Edit?


The user is searched for using quick search, then edit is selected to make changes.
yes the lockout-time is present.

So I removed the lockout-time property, and I was able to save. I added 'unlock account' customized operations for easy access.

Your reply was not clear that although the field wasn't being modified, the system still picked it up as such.


Yes, the Lockout-Time property is not supposed to be placed on the page for modifying users because this property must be set by the system only. The only value that you can set, Unspecified, is covered by the Unlock Account operation. If you want to allow users to unlock accounts, you need to enable this operation for the Web interface.

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