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I created a property pattern for personalTitle but it does not reflect in the selfservice web frontend.
I did it the same way for Company and Location both are working.

Any ideas why it does not work?

kind regards

by (960 points)

Hello Ingemar,

Select your Property Pattern and take a look at its Activity Scope. Does that Scope include the user?

Property Patterns are applied only within their Activity Scope.


The scope I set includes the user. I checked that

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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The reason for the issue is that the built-in User Pattern also has a Property Pattern Item for the Personal Title property. It specifies a hint to be displayed for the property (the text Example: Mr., Mrs., Miss., Ms., Dr., Prof.).

When two or more different Property pattern have a Property Pattern item for the same property and can be applied to the same objects, Adaxes will apply constraints only from one of the Property Patterns (which will be selected randomly). In your specific case, it will either apply the constraints for the Personal Title property from the built-in User Pattern or from your personalTitle pattern.

The reason why this didn't happen with Company and Location is that the built-in Pattern doesn't have any constraints for these properties.

To remedy the issue, you can delete the Property Pattern Item for the Personal Title property from the built-in User Pattern. For instructions on how to do this, see Modifying Property Pattern, step 7.

Alternatively, if you don't want to apply any constraints from the built-in User Pattern for any properties, you can simply disable it. For instructions on how to do this, see Disabling Property Pattern.


Thanks that worked

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