0 votes

Hello guys,

I'm currently testing your programm (Trial) for our company.
Therefore, a question has arisen.
In our firm we have 2 contactbooks. One for our internal employees and one for our external employees. The internal and the external employees can access both books.
So my question: Can I create two differnt contactbooks or searchpages? If so, how?

Thanks in advance!
Best Wishes
Markus S.

by (40 points)

Hello Markus,

Thank you for your interest in Softerra Adaxes!

Could you clarify the following so that we could suggest a solution for you:

  1. As far as we understand, one of the contact books includes only internal employees, and the other one shows only external employees. Is that correct?
  2. How do you distinguish that an employee is external or internal? Do you store the employee type in a certain AD property or may be external and internal employees are located in different OUs?


1. Yes that's correct!

2. Internal and external employees are located in different OUs.

Markus S.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)

Then, we can suggest accomplishing this task with the help of Home Page Actions for Adaxes Web Interface.

In Adaxes Web interface, you can configure Home Page Actions that allow you to launch certain operations in a single click right from the home page. The View Object Home Page Action allows you to view objects of a specific type. You can additionally limit the objects displayed to users when they perform a Home Page Action. For example, you can allow viewing only objects that are children of a certain OU.

So, we suggest creating two Home Page Actions, one of which can be used to view all users located in the OU for internal employees, the other one will be used to view all users located in the OU for external employees. When a user clicks a Home Page Action, they will be shown a list of all users belonging to the OU, with a possibility to search among the users shown.

For information on how to create such a Home Page Action, see View Object in the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... s.htm#view. You can use it as a guide.

  1. On the 1st step of the Add home Page Action wizard, select the User object type.

  2. On the 3rd step, select the Allow users to select the object to view option.

  3. Select the Allow selecting only AD objects located under a specific OU or container option and specify the DN (Distinguished Name) of the OU you need in the Container DN edit box:

    • for the Home Page Action that allows viewing internal employees - specify the DN of the OU for internal employees,
    • for the Home Page Action that allows viewing external employees - specify the DN of the OU for external employees.


Thanks that works fine!

But, when I let list the Phonebook it would be nice when I can use the Searchbar (Letters) too.
It would be also nice when I click on a Contact, that i come directly to the details of them.
Is that possible?

Markus S.



But, when I let list the Phonebook it would be nice when I can use the Searchbar (Letters) too.

Currently, this doesn't work in Home Page Actions.

It would be also nice when I click on a Contact, that i come directly to the details of them. Is that possible?

No, currently you need to select the necessary object and click Next.




Would it be possible, to modify the programm if a agreement concluded?
Can we modify the programm? And how could it go?
is there another solution?



Hello Markus,

We think there is no point in customizing Adaxes for you right now, because in 2014 we are going to release a new version that will bring significant improvements to Adaxes Web Interface. All the things that you require will be available in the new Web Interface. So, we suggest just waiting a bit until Adaxes 2014.1 becomes available.

By the way:

  • When you launch a Home Page Action and hover your mouse over an object, you will see quick details of the object.
  • Did you notice a filter field at the top? It allows you to perform a quick search among the objects.


Okay, thanks.

Is it possible to get a beta/prior version from the new software?
I would like to try out the new features.




Everything is still on the initial stage. There is nothing to show yet.

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