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Ok, this is a rather difficult one. I want to create a action that adds a new manged domain to Adaxes :)

I've created the action as a group creation (and added our needed attributes to adm-customattributetext1-8). So this script will have to run as a business rule after a groups is created in a certain OU. Here are the parameters beeing specified:

CustomerName - "name" attribute
DomainName - adm-CustomAttributeText1
Customer Shortname - adm-CustomAttributeText8
UserName - adm-CustomAttributeText2
Password - adm-CustomAttributeText3
Remote PS Server - adm-CustomAttributeText4
DNS Servers - adm-CustomAttributeText5 (IP's, maybe seperated by ,)
UserOU Filter - adm-CustomAttributeText6
GroupOU Filter - adm-CustomAttributeText7

Here are the steps that i need it to do:
1: Add a conditional forwarder in DNS for adm-CustomAttributeText1, using adm-CustomAttributeText5
2: Register the new managed domain using adm-CustomAttributeText1,2(@1) and 3
3: Add an assigned over to a security role (One group will be used every time, assigned over adm-CustomAttributeText1)
4: Create a Container under both Business Rules and Property Patterns called "name"
5: Create a Group in the new manged domain under a specific OU called adm-CustomAttributeText8-CustAdmin
6: Create a Business Unit that includes by query filter adm-CustomAttributeText6 and 7
7: Add an assigned over to a security role (The group created in step 5 over the business unit created in step 6)
8: Add the resultant OU from adm-CustomAttributeText6 to a Password Self-Service Policy
9: Run winrm get winrm/config/client on the adaxes server and get the servers specified in TrustedHosts and then add adm-CustomAttributeText4
10: Run script to create a credential file in C:\Credentials using adm-CustomAttributeText1,4,2@1,3 (NOT deleting old credentials)

I know this is a big job, but step 2-8 is the ones i'm not entirely sure how to do my self. Also, any failchecks that is needed (maybe check if the domain is reachable and so on?) would be greatly appriciated.

by (960 points)

I forgot one step here:

11: Add "adm-CustomAttributeText1\adm-CustomAttributeText8-CustAdmin" with access to the web interface "Help Desk" on ADAXES02 server and "adm-CustomAttributeText1\Domain Users" with access to the web interface Self Service on ADAXES02 server.

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by (216k points)
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1: Add a conditional forwarder in DNS for adm-CustomAttributeText1, using adm-CustomAttributeText5

For this purpose you can use the example in the following article: http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.c ... one-types/ passing the necessary parameters using value references (e.g. %adm-CustomAttributeText1% or %adm-CustomAttributeText5%).

2: Register the new managed domain using adm-CustomAttributeText1,2(@1) and 3

Here's the script that should do the job. If you use several Adaxes services installed on different computers and joined to a configuration set, pay attention that credentials used by Adaxes to connect to domains are not replicated. This means, that you will have to register the domain on each of your services separately. In the script, $serviceAddress specifies the IP address or DNS host name of the Adaxes service where the domain is registered. Modify it to your requirements.

Also, pay attention that you should specify the DNS name of the domain that you want to register (e.g. domain.com). Flat domain names (like DOMAIN) or IP addresses are not allowed.

$serviceAddress = "localhost" # TODO: Modify me

# Bind to the Adaxes service
$admNS = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmNamespace"
$admService = $admNS.GetServiceDirectly($serviceAddress)

# Bind to the 'Managed Domains' container
$managedDomainsPath = $admService.Backend.GetConfigurationContainerPath(
$managedDomainsContainer = $Context.BindToObject("$managedDomainsPath")

# Create a new Managed Domain
$managedDomain = $managedDomainsContainer.Create("adm-ManagedDomain", "DC=%adm-CustomAttributeText1%")
catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
    $Context.Cancel("The domain cannot be registered in Adaxes. " + $_.Exception.Message) # Cancels the operation if the domain object cannot be created (for example, if the domain is not available)

# Register the domain with the specified credentials
    $managedDomain.Register("%adm-CustomAttributeText2%@%adm-CustomAttributeText1%", "%adm-CustomAttributeText3%")
    $Context.Cancel("The domain cannot be registered in Adaxes. " + $_.Exception.Message) # Cancels the operation if the specified credentials cannot be used to register the domain

3: Add an assigned over to a security role (One group will be used every time, assigned over adm-CustomAttributeText1)
7: Add an assigned over to a security role (The group created in step 5 over the business unit created in step 6)

Take a look at the following samples in our SDK: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?SampleScript ... Roles.html.
Also, take a look at Assigning a Role: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?ManagingSecu ... curityRole.

4: Create a Container under both Business Rules and Property Patterns called "name"

The following samples contain what you need:

5: Create a Group in the new manged domain under a specific OU called adm-CustomAttributeText8-CustAdmin

Take a look at section Creating Objects in the following SDK article: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?WritingAdsiS ... ateObjects

6: Create a Business Unit that includes by query filter adm-CustomAttributeText6 and 7

The following SDK article contains the necessary information: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?ManagingBusinessUnits.html.

8: Add the resultant OU from adm-CustomAttributeText6 to a Password Self-Service Policy

This can be done with the help of the IAdmPasswordSelfServicePolicy interface exposed by any Self-Service Policy object. The ActivityScopeItems property of the interface defines the Scope of Activity of the Policy. For information on how to define a Scope of Activity programmatically, see the following SDK article: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?DefiningScopeOfActivity.html.

9: Run winrm get winrm/config/client on the adaxes server and get the servers specified in TrustedHosts and then add adm-CustomAttributeText4

The following article describes how to do this in PowerShell: http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/po ... _wsman.htm.

10: Run script to create a credential file in C:\Credentials using adm-CustomAttributeText1,4,2@1,3 (NOT deleting old credentials)

As far as we understand, this is to be based on Citrix/terminalserver Logoff solution. In this case, here's the script block that deals with removing old credentials if they exist:

$filePath = $directory.FullName + "\" + $domainCSV.ComputerName
    if((Test-Path -Path $filePath))
        Get-Item -Path $filePath | Remove-Item -Force -Recurse
    $file = New-Item $filePath -Type file

You can change it to something that can be done if credentials already exist. For example, you can just log a warning to Adaxes service log. Do not forget that in this case you should skip all the steps in the script that follow the block that removes old credentials. For example, if you include all the code that deals with generating files with credentials in your script to a separate function, then you can just exit the function with return.

$filePath = $directory.FullName + "\" + $domainCSV.ComputerName
    if((Test-Path -Path $filePath))
        $Context.LogMessage("Credentials for the specified domain already exist!", "Warning")
    $file = New-Item $filePath -Type file

11: Add "adm-CustomAttributeText1\adm-CustomAttributeText8-CustAdmin" with access to the web interface "Help Desk" on ADAXES02 server and "adm-CustomAttributeText1\Domain Users" with access to the web interface Self Service on ADAXES02 server.

To modify access rules for Adaxes Web Interface, you need to modify the Web Interface configuration file. The file is called Web.config and it is located in the root directory of the Web Interface folder. By default, Adaxes Web Interface sites are installed to the following folders:

  • Administrators:
    C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\Admin\
  • Help Desk:
    C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\HelpDesk\
  • Self-Service:
    C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Web Interface\SelfService\

This file needs to be accessed by Adaxes in order to perform the changes you need. So, if your Web Interface is not located on he computer where Adaxes service is installed, you'll probably need to share the folder for the Web Interface.

The Web.config is a standard XML configuration file. In the file, you can find the following XML element:


The subelements contained in this element define the users and/or groups that can access Adaxes Web Interface. For example, the following record means that the Web Interface can be accessed by users from groupA and groupB, and access to anyone else is prohibited (<deny users="?" /> denies access to unauthenticated users):

      <deny users="?" />
      <allow roles="DOMAIN\groupA"/>
      <allow roles="DOMAIN\groupB"/>
      <deny users="*" />

To manage the users/groups that are allowed/denied to use the Web Interface, you can use a specialized .NET API that for this purpose. Take a look at the description of the AuthorizationSection Class for detailed information and examples. Also, you can take a look at the following example: http://forums.asp.net/p/1502512/3557825.aspx. It is in C#, but can be easily converted to PowerShell.


Thank you!

I've now created the script and it works like a charm! :D


Hi there
I'm trying to run this in a separate script (with no $Context available). Is there any documentation on the calls in step 2? Registration is failing with:

The domain cannot be registered in Adaxes. Exception calling "Register" with "2" argument(s): "Parameter must be a null reference if the object is created."

Here is the whole script

$serviceAddress = "localhost" # TODO: Modify me

    # Bind to the Adaxes service
    $admNS = New-Object "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.AdmNamespace"
    $admService = $admNS.GetServiceDirectly($serviceAddress)
  # Bind to the 'Managed Domains' container
    $managedDomainsPath = $admService.Backend.GetConfigurationContainerPath(
        $managedDomainsContainer = $admService.OpenObject($managedDomainsPath,
     $NULL, $NULL, 0)
   # Create a new Managed Domain
    $managedDomain = $managedDomainsContainer.Create("adm-ManagedDomain", "testnw,DC=gblei.local")
    catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
        Write-Host("The domain cannot be setinfoed in Adaxes. " + $_.Exception.Message) # Cancels the operation if the domain object cannot be created (for example, if the domain is not available)
    # Register the domain with the specified credentials
        $managedDomain.Register("domadmin@gblei.local", "***") #replace *** with password
       Write-Host("The domain cannot be registered in Adaxes. " + $_.Exception.Message) # Cancels the operation if the specified credentials cannot be used to register the domain

I'm running this code on the machine where adaxes is installed on.



Hello Grag,

First of all, you used an incorrect format to specify the domain name on this line:

$managedDomain = $managedDomainsContainer.Create("adm-ManagedDomain", "testnw,DC=gblei.local")

If your domain is testnw.gblei.local, then the line should be:

$managedDomain = $managedDomainsContainer.Create("adm-ManagedDomain", "DC=testnw.gblei.local")

Also, you need to remove the exception type from this try ... catch block because the type of exception thrown by the SetInfo method will not always be a COMException:

catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
        Write-Host("The domain cannot be setinfoed in Adaxes. " + $_.Exception.Message) # Cancels the operation if the domain object cannot be created (for example, if the domain is not available)

Correct code:

        Write-Host("The domain cannot be setinfoed in Adaxes. " + $_.Exception.Message) # Cancels the operation if the domain object cannot be created (for example, if the domain is not available)

Is there any documentation on the calls in step 2?

There's no documentation available on this yet, because when creating our SDK we didn't think someone would want to register domains in Adaxes using scripts. But, since the above script gets so much attention, we'll add it to the SDK in the future. For now, if you want to change anything in the script, you can ask us. We will help you.

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