when I get the approval req via email, for every field that's filled out, it has a comma at the end. any idea where that's coming from
It is added by Adaxes. :)
or how I can get rid of it?
Currently, it is impossible to remove it.
As to the 2nd question, we are not quite sure on what you are trying to achieve. If you want the name of the user who approved a request to be included in the email, you can use the %adm-InitiatorFullName% value reference in the e-mail notification template for approved requests. It will be substituted with the name of the user who approved the request. If you haven't changed the default e-mail template that comes with Adaxes, this information will be included in the e-mail template. For information on how to modify e-mail templates for email notifications sent during the approval workflow process, see the following tutorial (at the very bottom): http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automat ... ilsettings.
If you meant something else, could you describe your task in more detail?