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Hello Support,

I'm looking for a solution for the following problem:
After creating a user, we send a welcome email with the login(login and password) to the initiator. This works fine. For new created Users the password is initial always the same. So we are able the Password send in the Welcomemail.

Now we would like that new created Users getting a autogenerated Password. We solved this with a Task after creating a User "Change Password". That works fine too. But how I get now the autogenerated Password in the Welcomemmail :?: Is there a solution how I can insert the autogenerated Password automaticly into the Welcomemail or a SMS?

Thanks for helping

by (700 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The thing is that once an operation is initiated, Adaxes collects all Business Rules that will be triggered by the operation and resolves all value references (such as, for example, %unicodePwd% that you can use in emails to insert the new user's password). Only after resolving all value references Adaxes starts performing the actions. That is, the %unicodePwd% value reference gets resolved before you change the user's password in your Business Rule.

By the way, why don't you use the method provided in the following tutorial to generate a random password: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simplif ... eation.htm? If you use the %adm-RandomString% value reference on step 3 of the tutorial, the password will be set to a random sequence of characters. For example, %adm-RandomString,12% will generate a random password of the length of 12 characters. If you use this method for generating random passwords, the generated password will be included in your Welcome E-mail.

If, for some reason, you don't want to generate a random password with a Property Pattern using the method provided in the above tutorial, you'll need to send the Welcome E-mail with a script.


Dear Support,

thanks for your replay. It works very well.

I have just a Problem more in my Welcomemail. We have different Windows Domains which are trusted. I would like to insert the NetBios Loginname in the Welcomemail (i.e. b-buag\Bosnjakma), but I find only the Variable %sAMAccountName% who I can use. Have you any idea?

Thanks a lot,



This is possible, but you'll need to send the e-mail with a script using the Run a program or PowerShell script action. There are two possible ways how you can get the flat domain name for the user, a simple one and a more complicated one:

  1. The simple way is simply to get the FQDN for the domain and strip off the dot (".") character and everything that follows it. This will only work if the flat names of your domains always correspond to their FQDN. For example, if the FQDN is domain.com, then the flat name is DOMAIN and so on.
  2. A more complicated way is to extract the flat name of the domain the same way as Adaxes does it to display on the form. However, this cannot be done easily and the script will be rather complicated.

If you are OK with sending the e-mail message using a script, which of the options do you chose?


Thank you for your Solution.
We took a other way. We set during usercreation a virtual Attribute with the flat Name of the Domain and take them in the Welcomemail. It' simple and it works.

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