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Hi, something has happened to our shared mailbox creation, on prem and syncing with o365 (we're a hybrid environment) the process works. With no issues.

When a new shared mailbox is created an access group is also created, the script works. It syncs to o365 and both the mailbox and group are created.

However we cannot add that group to the delegation for the mailbox as the error states the group is not in o365, but it quite clearly is.

Can anyone suggest how we investigate this? I'm assuming at the moment it's an Adaxes issue with accessing the o365 information.

by (490 points)
edited by


Could you, please, specify what version of Adaxes you are currently using? For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.




version 3.14.19312.0


1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Thank you for specifying. It looks like the issue occurs due to the naming convention changes introduced by Microsoft. To remedy the issue, please, upgrade Adaxes to the latest build of version 2021.1 (3.14.20916.0). You can download it from here.

Upgrade Instructions



We've updated to the latest version and after a few minutes it all seemed to work.

However when adding delegates to the mailboxes they do not show in Adaxes, but are clearly visible in O365. This seems to only be an issue with mail enabled security groups, when adding users it works as expected.

Version is now 3.15.20916.0 with no updates available




Do we understand correctly that the delegates are cloud-only? Are you able to see them in Adaxes Administration console?


No, we run a hybrid environment.

All created onprem and synced to o365. The issue presents as an Adaxes display issue as the groups are added and visible in o365 as working.

But Adaxes just doesn't show them in the full access window.



Thank you for the provided details. Unfortunately, this is an issue in Adaxes. We will fix it in one of the future releases. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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