0 votes

Latest version of Adaxes include functions upper and lower which are usable in Property Patterns and that's great.
Is there a plan to include new one ? I think specifically about a trim function which would be very usefull when generating username from firstname and lastname which could contain spaces.
BTW, it should be great to have a regex replace (not only checking) feature for property patterns.

Thanks for the good job

by (800 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Thank you very much for the suggestion!

We are planning to implement removing/replacing specific characters in the values generated using templates. Also, we are planning to allow generating property values using scripts (I believe this will solve a bunch of problems).


Yesterday we released a new version of Adaxes that allows modifying user input using scripts.
For details, see Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script.

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