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Adaxes uses a property pattern file for creating and modifying an user. Is it possible to have a property pattern file for creating or modifying only? I try to achieve the following: e.g. password > required when an user is created but not required when an user is modified...


by (780 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Remco,

First of all, if you don't want to force password change each time a user account is being edited, you can remove the Password field from the page for editing users and use the Reset/Change Password operations whenever you need to change password for a user.

For information on how to remove the Password field, see step 6 in the following tutorial: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInte ... tomization.

Also, you can actually have a property treated differently on user creation and on user modification. For this purpose, you need to create two different Property Patterns. One of the property Patterns will contain constraints that need to be applied to the property when a new user is created. For example, if the property is required only on creation, you can mark it as required. For information on how to create a Property Pattern, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePrope ... ttern.html. On step 10 of the article, you need to assign the Property Pattern over All Objects, excluding the Domain Users groups in all your Active Directory domains from the Activity Scope. The thing is that users are usually automatically added to the Domain Users group of their own domain. However, before a user is created, the user account cannot be a member of any groups. So, excluding the Domain Users group from the Activity Scope, you actually exclude all existing users.

The second Property Pattern will contain constraints for the property to be applied when the property is modified. The Activity Scope of this Property Pattern will contain only the Domain Users groups of your AD domains. That is, the Property Pattern will apply only to existing users.

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