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Are there any plans to add the ability to select columns to sort results? i.e. when I look in my "Users" OU it would be really handy to be able to sort by job title or department or any other AD attribute.

Running 2013.2.

by (240 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Actually, you already can do this in the Web Interface. Just click the name of the property at the top of the column to sort by the property:

The properties that you cannot sort by:

  • Calculated properties (for example, Parent),
  • DN syntax properties (for example, Assistant, Manager or Managed By).
  • Adaxes virtual properties (for example, CustomAttributeText1, CustomAttributeInt1).

Funny thing is I've hardly used the web interface but that's useful to know thanks :)

Are there any plans to add similar functionality to the admin console?


Yes, it will be available in Adaxes 2014.1 to be released by the end of February.


That's good news - thanks for letting us know.



Starting from Adaxes 2014.1 released yesterday, you can sort and group objects in the Administration Console by any property.

You can find the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.


The properties that you cannot sort by:

  • Calculated properties (for example, Parent)

It would be very usefull if the the "Parent" property could be sorted, if lots of objects is listed.
It will help the User-manager/End-user to categorize the list of security groups, users, etc. for easy selection.
Especially because Adaxes does not provide (i think) any other option to categorize objects, when adding users to groups or groups to users.

  • Regards


In the next version of the Web Interface it'll be possible to sort and group by any column, including Parent.

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