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Is it possible to disable the logging of a specific Business Rule on the web interface?

I see the option "Show Execution Log", which I've set to "Only if it contains errors or warnings". But I still see the logs on the web interface.

I don't want the HR users to see any of the logs of the Business Rules. Is it possible to turn if off?

by (730 points)


We have a similar request in our sandbox: to add the possibility to completely hide all Execution Logs in a specific Web interface. Will such a solution suit your needs?


Yes, that will work as long as the status is displayed, like Operation succeed or failed. Another alternative is to collapse the error panel by default, so that the logs are visible only when user clicks Detail.


OK, we'll think on your suggestion, thank you.


Any news about this request?

Thanks for your support.



Currently, we are working on a new version of the Web interface that will have a completely different look and feel. It will be available in Adaxes 2015.1. We'll keep this request in mind when developing the new Web Interface.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Starting with version 2018.1, you can completely disable displaying the execution log in Adaxes Web interface. For details, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ExecutionLogDisplaySettings.

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