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Can you help me with writing a script that I could use to check for an existing Lync account? Or might there be any plans to build in a condition for that?


by (920 points)


Yes, sure, we've assigned our script guys to write a script for you.

As for a built-in condition, could you briefly describe how are you going to use it? We didn't make this condition initially because we didn't see any practical value in doing it.



Here you go:

$Context.ConditionIsMet = $Context.TargetObject.IsLyncEnabled

The script returns True if the user is enabled for Lync. For more details, see the following SDK article: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?SampleScript ... abled.html.


Wonderful, thank you!

I'm using this as part of a "after user update" business rule. I'm trying to catch any users that don't have a lync enabled for one reason or another. If I don't use a condition to check for lync account, and the user already has one then I get a warning. I'd like to do the error checking in the background using a condition. The less warnings that popup, the happier my users are!

Thanks again!


Hello Ryan,

We decided not to implement a built-in condition for now, but thanks for the info and for your suggestion.

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