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I could use some help with a script. The script will need to do a couple of things.

1. Remove all special characters and spaces from %mobile% string, leaving a 10 digit phone number like 1234567890, and then add a 1 to the front for the US country code. I already have a regexp used as part of a property pattern that allows only the 10 digit phone number but allows for separators like parentheses, dashes, etc. The updated phone number with country code should be saved into %mobile%.

2. If custom text attrib #3 says no, the value provided in %mobile% should be moved to %otherMobile%, and then %mobile% should be cleared.

3. If custom text attrib #3 says yes, copy the %mobile% value into %othermobile%, but the %mobile% number stays where it is.

P.S. I know I could use a boolean attribute for the publish number field, but I've used up all the available boolean attributes and had lots of text attributes available, so I just used a property pattern to give a yes or no value option.

Thank You!

by (920 points)

On second thought...I don't think I can use %otherMobile% for SMS sending since it's a multi-value attribute. So instead of %otherMobile% can I use a custom text field or maybe integer?


Hello Ryan,

On second thought...I don't think I can use %otherMobile% for SMS sending since it's a multi-value attribute. So instead of %otherMobile% can I use a custom text field or maybe integer?

When you configure SMS settings for Adaxes service, you can also specify which property of user accounts will be used for storing their mobile numbers. The property that you specify will be used everywhere in Adaxes where sending of SMS messages is involved: sending of SMS messages with the help of the Send SMS operation, sending SMS messages from Business Rules and scripts, as well as sending SMS verification codes from Password Self-Service. For this purpose, you can use any property that allows soring string (text) values, including Adaxes virtual properties, such as CustomAttributeText1, for example. For information on how to select a property to be used for storing mobile numbers, see the 5th step in the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... tings.html.

I could use some help with a script. The script will need to do a couple of things.

OK, we've asked our script guys to write a script for you.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


Here's a script that meets your requirements. In the script, the mobile phone stored in the Mobile Phone property is copied to the CustomAttributeText8 property. If the CustomAttributeText3 property is not set to Yes, the Mobile Phone property is cleared.

Modify the following to meet your requirements:

  • $countryCode - specifies the country code,
  • $specialCharacters - specifies the special characters that need to be removed from the mobile phone.
$countryCode = 1 # TODO: modify me
$specialCharacters = @(" ", "-", "(", ")") # TODO: modify me

# Get mobile phone
    $mobilePhone = $Context.TargetObject.Get("mobile")
    $Context.LogMessage("Mobile phone is not specified", "Warning") # TODO: modify me

# Remove special characters
foreach ($character in $specialCharacters)
    $mobilePhone = $mobilePhone.Replace($character, "")

# Add country code to the mobile number
$mobilePhone = "$countryCode$mobilePhone"

# Update CustomAttributeText8
$Context.TargetObject.Put("adm-CustomAttributeText8", $mobilePhone)

# Get CustomAttributeText3
    $value = $Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-CustomAttributeText3")
    $value = $NULL

if ($value -ine "Yes")
    # Clear Mobile Phone property
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("mobile", $NULL)

# Save changes

That's awesome! Thanks so much for the quick reply!

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