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We been noticing with some of our users that when we update the profile path within the terminal services profile section using Adaxes, it isn't reflected in Active Directory. When we view the field in AD, its either blank or have an unfamiliar text. if we delete and try to modify, we get operation failed: the operation completed successfully.
when I hit OK and try to view it isn't saved.

Any ideas?

by (1.7k points)


To help us troubleshoot the issue, can you export a couple of users that you are having issues with as LDIF files and send them to us? For information on how to export, see Exporting Directory Objects.

By the way, what version of Adaxes are you currently using (including the build number)?



I'll send the email over with the troubled users shortly. Thanks!



I created an account and have the terminal service profile path prepopulated with a citrix profile and it was not reflected after the account was created, both in AD and Adaxes.

below is the execution log, which was successful in creating the account, but not having the TS profile path created--
Please advise. Thx

Create 'Service, Terminal (abc.com\OU)'. 'Full Name': 'Service, Terminal', 'First Name': 'Terminal', 'Last Name': 'Service', 'Description': 'TEST ACCOUNT FOR TS', 'User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000)': 'tservice', 'User Logon Name': 'tservice@deff.com', 'Account is disabled': 'False', 'Account Options': '0', 'Account Expires': 'never', 'Job Title': 'TEST ACCOUNT FOR TS', 'Display Name': 'Service, Terminal', 'Password': '******', 'Profile Path': '\\networkPath\Profiles\CitrixProfiles\tservice'


disregard, I figured it out.


Hi MeliOnTheJob,

I have the same issue with remote profile setup. I am wondering how you resolved the issue?
Other users have no issue that I can set remote profile for them.This specific user exactly shows the same error you mentioned at the beginning once I try to set up the remote profile. I am wondering if there is any way that I can fix it without recreating the user account?



We'll help you. First of all, could you describe exactly what error do you get? Also, to help us troubleshoot the issue, can you export a couple a user that you are having issues with as LDIF files and send them to us to support[at]adaxes.com? For information on how to export, see Exporting Directory Objects.

Could you also answer the following:

  • What is the functional level of your AD domain?
  • What version of Windows is running on the DCs in that domain?


I created a scheduled task to run to populate the TS profile path, which is remote desktop services settings but some users aren't being populated.Where can I troubleshoot as the activity history just shows who was populated?

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