0 votes

Can you give me some more information on how to use SMS over http? I read in the 2014.1 feature list that it's now supported, but I don't see any additional settings or options under the sms settings screen.


by (920 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Ryan,

To be able to send SMS via HTTP, in the SMS settings of your Adaxes settings, you need to specify a URL template for sending SMS messages in the To field, leaving all the other fields blank. For example, for Clickatell, the URL pattern will look something like this:



  • %mobilenumber% is a value reference that will be replaced with the recipient's mobile phone number and
  • %smstext% is a value reference that will be replaced with the SMS message text.

For information on how to access SMS settings of your Adaxes service, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Mana ... tings.html.


Does support have any guidance on using a service such as Twilio?




As far as we understand from the description available in Twilio SDK, Twilio API requires that SMS messages are posted using POST HTTP requests. You won't be able to generate the required POST HTTP requests using the built-in Adaxes SMS over HTTP functionality. Nevertheless, there are 2 alternative ways how you can resolve the issue:

  1. E-mail SMS Proxy
    If you have or can set up an mail server that supports scripting, you can use the E-mail to SMS feature of Adaxes. On your mail server, you can set up a specialized account to accept E-mail SMS messages from Adaxes service. Then, with the help of scripts, you can parse the messages on the mail server to create HTTP requests to Twilio.
  2. Send SMS using scripts
    You can use native PowerShell functionality to create POST requests to Twilio API. On Adaxes Web Interface, you can make available a certain property of a user account that will be used to send an SMS message to that user. Then, you can create a Business Rule triggered when the property is modified. The Business Rule will launch a PowerShell script that will read the SMS text from the property, create and then send a POST request to Twilio API.

The support for sending SMS messages via RESTful APis was added in Adaxes 2017.1, including the support for the POST method. For details, see Configure SMS Settings. You can download the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions

What's New


Starting from Adaxes 2017.2, Twilio has been added as a predefined SMS provider in Adaxes. You can download the latest build here.

Upgrade Instructions

What's New

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