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I had a business rules that had a PowerShell script to update User properties in a SQL table. It was working fine.

I moved the PowerShell to a custom command so I could use it in multiple business rules. But now the PowerShell in the custom command does get the values for the User object.

Am I missing something?

by (730 points)


Can you post the PowrerShell script that you use here or send it to our support e-mail (<support[at]adaxes.com>)?


Thank you I just emailed the script

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The thing is that in your script, you use the $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue method to get the values entered by users. It works in Business Rules, because Business Rules are triggered by a certain operation (creating a user or updating a user), and the values are modified or set by that operation. However, when you call a Custom Command from your Business Rule, this is a completely different operation, and it doesn't modify any values. It only runs a Custom Command. That's the reason why the $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue method fails.


OK, I understand. So, in my situation how can I solve my problem?

I need to run the update script only when some of the properties are modified. And I need to call this from multiple Business Rules.

Is there no way to do it other than by duplicating the script in the Business Rules?


Could you describe in a bit more detail what task you want to achieve with the Business Rules and when are the Business Rules triggered? As far as we understand, your Rules are triggered before the main operation (e.g. before updating a user). This is not a good idea at all because if an operation fails for some reason (for example, if the initiator doesn't have sufficient access rights), the values specified by the user will not be saved to the AD, but will be saved to the SQL database anyway.

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