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In post Recently/Never logged on users reports - incorrect Logged#p4397 support states "To detect when a user last logged into the domain, we use the Last-Logon-Timestamp property of the user account."
Does this mean that the reports "Recently Logged On Users" and "Never Logged On Users" uses the Last-Logon-Timestamp property as the selection criteria? (These reports do not use Last Logon property)
Thank you,

by (520 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Hello Tim,

Yes, the Recently Logged On Users and the Never Logged On Users reports use the Last-Logon-Timestamp property as the search criteria, and the Last Logon property isn't used.

The reason why we chose Last-Logon-Timestamp is that it is replicated across domain controllers, while Last Logon is not. So, in a scenario where a domain has multiple DCs, Adaxes would need to connect to each DC in the domain to build the report using the Last Logon property, which can take quite a long time. The Last-Logon-Timestamp property is replicated, so it will be up to date no matter which DC Adaxes is connected to.

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