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My "Never logged on users" report also shows users that recently logged on.
My "Recently logged on users" report shows nobody.

How can we change this?

Best regards, Roel

by (40 points)

Hello Roel,

What version of Adaxes are you using? There was a bug with the Never Logged on Users report, but it was fixed in minor update 3.3.8308.0.


We are running version 3.3.8815.0


Hello support,
Any update about this topic?

Regards, Roel


Hello Roel,

We are extremely sorry for the delay in response, but we still cannot reproduce your issue. Can you provide the following information on your environment:

  • Do you have any Windows 2000 domain controllers?
  • What mode is your domain operating (e.g. Windows 2000 mixed, Windows 2000 native, Windows Server 2008)?
  • When trying to run the Recently Logged On Users Report, what number of days do you specify in the Users logged on during the last: field?

Also, can you tell us what is the value of the Last-Logon-Timestamp property of those users who should show up in the Recently Logged On Users Report, but are not returned by the report? To do this:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand the service node that represents your service.
  3. Expand Active Directory.
  4. Locate and select a user who is not returned by the Recently Logged On Users Report, but should show up there.
  5. In the Result Pane (located on the right), you will see a list of properties of this user. Locate the Last-Logon-Timestamp property and look up its value.

And sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello Support,

We are using Windows Server 2008 domain controllers, the functional forest/domain mode is "Windows 2000 native".
I have tried to run the report with different days from 5 to 50 days.
Don't know why the Last-Logon-Timestamp is needed, but it shows a value with the scope of the report.

What should our next step?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)

Hello Roel,

To detect when a user last logged into the domain, we use the Last-Logon-Timestamp property of the user account. However, since your domain is operating in Windows 2000 native mode, this property cannot be used. The Last-Logon-Timestamp property is supported in the Windows Server 2003 mode and higher modes. Probably, you confused the Last-Logon-Timestamp property with the Last Logon property that is supported in the Windows 2000 native mode.

So, since the property that we use to detect when a user last logged into the domain is not supported in the domain mode that your domain is operating, the report cannot be generated correctly. The only thing we can recommend in this case is that you raise your domain functional level to at least Windows 2003 Server mode. Since all your DCs are running Windows Server 2008, this should not be a problem. For information on how to accomplish this task with the help of Adaxes, see Raising Domain or Forest Functional Level.


Thanks for the update.
We will schedule the update and inform you afterwards.

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