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We have a scenario where an approval ticket is generated for a fairly complex task (re-approving user accounts if you remember the conversations we had a while back).

Currently the approval ticket contains references to power shell scripts being run - 'Operation: Run PowerShell script 'Re-approve User Account' etc.

We have feedback from lots of users that this is confusing and they would like the text to be fully customisable (my words) so we can replace the 'tech speak' with simple instructions.

Many Thanks

by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2018

Starting with Adaxes 2018.2, you can specify custom descriptions for actions in business rules, custom commands and scheduled tasks. If an action with custom description is submitted for approval, the description will be present in the request. For details, have a look at section Custom Description for Actions of the corresponding What’s New article: https://www.adaxes.com/info_whats-new_2018.2.htm#custom_description_for_actions.



The text of the approval ticket cannot be made fully customizable because the description of the operation to be approved is generated automatically and cannot be modified. As an option, we can suggest sending an e-mail notification before sending the operation for approval. So, when a user needs to process an approval request, they will receive a summary e-mail of the operations they need to approve, where you can describe everything using a more 'user-friendly' language. For this purpose, you need to add the Send e-mail notification action before the action that generates an Approval Request.


OK, thanks - but that is a shame!

Would it be possible for you to fully replace the 'Action' text line where alternate text has been entered for the job (i.e. under Action parameters, Type: PowerShell script you can add custom text for the log, and when it's logged it no longer prepends with 'Operation: Run PowerShell script...).




Thanks you for the suggestion. We'll think on that.


I'll add my vote to be able to modify the approval notification email!



As to the fully customizable Approval Request text, as we've mentioned before in Feature Request: Fully Customisable Approval Ticket Text, this won't be possible. The only thing we promised to consider was to use the custom action description of the Run a program or PowerShell script action as the text that will be used to describe the action in Approval Request.

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