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My company is looking at Implementing ADAxes to help cover some areas that we feel we should address. One major point area we would like to improve is our new user creation process.

We would like to have a new user form where a manager can go and create a new user request where they enter in some of their information. We would then like to send it to the Help Desk Admin to ADD additional information and then create the account. Would ADAxes workflow system be able to complete this?

Example: The Manager creates the request and adds the individual's name, birthday, employee ID and then sends forward for review.

The Help Desk Admin adds additional information such as Telephone number, Internet Ticket Number, Office Information, etc.

ADAxes then does the heavy lifting and creates the user with the provided information.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. Property values can only be specified before submitting the form or after the user is created.

As a solution, you can create users by importing from a CSV file. For example, Managers will fill in the basic fields and then Help Desk will add the rest. To import users, you can use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/import-new-and-updated-users-from-csv-file-s246.htm. You can modify it to perform the import only if certain fields are populated. If this approach meets your needs, we will help you with updating the script.

The rest can be automated using Business Rules. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_AutomatingDailyTasks_AutomateUserProvisioning.htm.


Is there a way to have the form that the manager fills out be in the ADAxes interface? And then export to CSV and email to our helpdesk? My goal would be a “one-stop-shop” for our staff so that they do not have navigate multiple interfaces.

If the answer to that question is yes, Can the form have the ability for the manager to select which groups that they want the person to be a member of? And have that in the CSV as well?

I apologize for all of the questions. We have a very unique and time-consuming workflow, and I am trying to understand if ADAxes will help to solve that.



Yes, it is possible. Managers will submit user creation and then a Business Rule will trigger. The rule will cancel the creation, create the CSV file and send it to Help Desk. To specify the groups on the form, the See Also property can be used. Once the CSV file is ready, a Scheduled Task in Adaxes will import the user and other Business Rules will complete the provisioning process upon creation.

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