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I have a custom command that prompts for a "reporter" for our ticketing system for enabling VPN accounts. Sometimes a technician will enable an account on behalf of another user who is owner of the system affected. The parameter "Reporter" is an AD object picker. I then have an Action to create a Jira ticket using Powershell with that parameter as reporter. It also sends e-mail notification (additional action) to the vendor, the reporter, and the IT team. The To: box contains %mail% for the vendor (action is performed on an account),; %param-Reporter%; IT@domain.com. The %param-Reporter% thows an error because it's not an email address. How do I extract the email address of that object chosen as a parameter? Thank you.

by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


This can only be done by sending the email notification using a PowerShell script. To send email notifications in PowerShell scripts, use the $Context.SendMail method. To get the email address of the user specified in the Custom Command parameter, use the below code, where param-MyParameter is the name of the parameter with the param- prefix:

$user = $Context.BindToObjectByDN("%param-MyParameter%")

    $userEmail = $user.Get("mail")    
    $Context.LogMessage("The user specified in parameter 'MyParameter' has no email address. ", "Information")    

Should you have issues writing the script, we will help you.

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