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I am working on a script that sends an email (using Send-MailMessage) to one or more recipients, selected through an AD Object Picker parameter within a custom command. I have researched this process on the Adaxes Q&A and have done my best to troubleshoot but I cannot seem to figure it out. See the code snippet below:

#Create recipients for email
$recipientList = $Context.GetParameterValue("%param-Recipients%")
$separator = ";"

$recipients = @()

foreach ($dn in $recipientList.Split($separator))
    $user = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($dn)
    $recipients += $user.Get("mail")

#Email settings
$To = $recipients

Every time I run the code, I get the error "cannot call a method on a null-value expression" referring to the $recipientList in the foreach line. I have of course chosen at least one user in the object picker before running the code so I am confused as to why this is not working.

by (120 points)

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by (294k points)
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$recipientList = $Context.GetParameterValue("%param-Recipients%")

This line is incorrect. The thing is that %param-Recipients% resolves into the parameter value. At the same time the $Context.GetParameterValue method accepts the name of a parameter with the param- prefix, not the value of the parameter.

$recipients += $user.Get("mail")

Specifying an array of email addresses as the first parameter of the $Context.SendMail method will not work. If you want to directly pass all the recipients, they need to be in a single string separated by commas and spaces (e.g. "jdoe@company.com, jsmith@company.com"). As an alternative, you can directly send emails in the foreach block like in the below script.

$separator = ";" # TODO: modify me

# Email settings
$subject = "My subject" # TODO: modify me
$message = "My text" # TODO: modify me

# Get recipient DNs
$recipientDNs = $Context.GetParameterValue("param-recipients")

foreach ($dn in $recipientDNs.Split($separator))
    # Get user email
    $user = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($dn)
        $userEmail = $user.Get("mail")

    # Send mail
    $Context.SendMail($userEmail, $subject, $message, $NULL)

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