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Adaxes version is 2018.2. I have build a custom report, and I don't want the 'Name' column with the pictures to appear in it. But it seem to be mandatory, it is greyed out when editing the columns, cannot be selected when I tried to add it to the restrict available columns option. It is the same result with a script base report or a AD search report.

Is there a way to remove / hide / or change the mandatory attribute or column ?


by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer

Hello Isabelle,

There is no possibility to remove the Name column from a report. This applies to both built-in and custom reports.



It should be nice to make this possible in a next release. I send reports to users and and I do not want the "Name" colomn to be present in the Excel file so I cannot make the process fully automated.




I'd also like to push for this. It is annoying and hard to see the benefit of having the name column mandatory. The images in that column are hard to manage for automated output. Also it seems like an easy adjustment on the dev side?



Currently, there are no such plans. However, we will add +1 on your behalf for the suggestion.

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