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We have created a workflow for creating user accounts and would like the manager of the new user to be the approver for the account but the account is not created until it is approved. I would like to use a parameter as an approver. Is there a powershell way to do this maybe?

by (2.3k points)

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by (296k points)
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Hello Mark,

This can be easily done using the Send this operation for approval action in a Business Rule triggering Before creating a user. In the action settings, you will need to select the Manager of the user checkbox. image.png Adaxes will retrieve the user or group that was specified in the Manager property of the account on the creation form and submit the request for approval to the user or group members. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_DelegatingPermissions_RequestApprovalForUserCreation.htm.


The problem is that we have a custom command that has a lot of parameters that need to be filled out and then after the approval process, the powershell kicks off. Depending on how the form is answered, it does certain tasks like creating a virtual desktop for the user if requested. We would like to keep our workflow instead of separating the approval out. I will see if I can make this work but it would be easier if this worked inside the custom command and it does not. We tried checking the box Manager of the User.


I see the powershell now in the link you sent. Apologies. Thank you for the great support!

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