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Does Adaxes all one to setup/configure a custom dictionary with chosen words that will prevent passwords beign set with these words? Example: Many people use "Welcome", "Password", "Company Name" in their passwords when being set, can you set Adaxes to refuse certain words from being used in a password.

Helpdesk aslo often set End Users passwords with these easy Passwords and we trying to move awa from that to ensure a complex password is set, even from an Admin side when the first password is set for an Account

by (80 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Out of the box, there is no such possibility in Adaxes. Password should only meet complexity requirements specified by AD domain password policies. As an option, you can use scripts in business rules (e. g. Before creating a user, Before resetting password of a user account) to validate passwords against certain rules. For an example, have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/verify-complexity-requirements-for-user-password-s155.htm. It is also possible to update the script to check user passwords against a predefined list of words that are forbidden.

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