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Hi. I would like to know if there is way to send an email to HR once an account has been created or terminated by IT. The email should have the name of the user and there office location.

Is this possible to be done?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


Yes, it is possible. To send the email when a user account is created, you need to use a Business Rule triggering After creating a user with the Send email notification action. To add the name and office location of the user to the notification you can use value references, i.e. %name% and %physicalDeliveryOfficeName%. To identify whether the initiator is a member of a specific group (e.g. IT), you will need to add the If the initiator is a member of <group> condition to the Business Rule. Finally, the rule will look like the following: image.png Similarly, to send a notification when a user is deleted, you need to use a Business Rule triggering After deleting a user. The rule will look like the following: image.png


Perfect! Thanks.

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