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Trying to remove the Aprostrophe from a name in several different area's, "samAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "mail" using this script run before user creation, but it's not working.

Example, change the name O'Connel, to OConnel.

I run a similar script but it removes spaces and works well.

$properties = @("samAccountName", "userPrincipalName", "mail") # TODO: modify me

foreach ($property in $properties)
    if ($Context.IsPropertyModified($property))
        $value = $Context.GetModifiedPropertyValue($property)
        if ($value.Contains(" "))
            # Remove apostrophe
            $value = $value.Replace("'", "")

            # Update property
            $Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue($property, $value)

            # Log message
            $Context.LogMessage("Spaces have been removed from $property", "Information")
by (1.5k points)

1 Answer

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by (294k points)


The thing is that in the if statement your script checks whether a property value contains spaces and only then removes apostrophes. If the value does not contain spaces, it will not be updated. For the script to work, please, replace this line in your script

if ($value.Contains(" "))

with the following one:

if ($value.Contains("'"))


Thanks, totally missed that!

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