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An environment that we wish to use Adaxes on is completely isolated with no access to the internet. Things can be downloaded from the internet and then moved into the environment but there is no way for anything within the envrionment to contact the internet.

Is Adaxes able to run as normal in an offline environment?

Can Adaxes be patched and upgraded in an offline environment?

Many Thanks

by (440 points)

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by (294k points)
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Hello Anton,

Is Adaxes able to run as normal in an offline environment?

Yes, you will just need to make sure all the required ports are open. For details about the ports used by Adaxes, see https://www.adaxes.com/questions/20/what-ports-does-adaxes-use.

However, you will not be able to manage Office 365 as it requires access to the Internet.

Can Adaxes be patched and upgraded in an offline environment?

Yes, you will just need to download the installation file, move it to the environment and then follow the upgrade instructions.

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