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Hi Forum,

Today :) i have 2 questions:

1. is it possible to disable the "Show indirect membership" option in the member of Section of the Webinterface?

2. We regularly need to audit the rights our users have. For this i've created some Adaxes Rules/Tasks ... This works but i wan't to create a Report in the End where we can see the Rights before and after the Review. Because of this i need to store that information (Groups before audit / Groups after the audit / auditname). So i think about storing this in an multivalue Adaxes Attribute. What is the maximum size of these Attributes? I need to store more than 1 audit there. so this means over the years it's possible that there are 15000 records. Or is it better to put this into a different database?

Thanks a lot for your help.


by (650 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


1. Currently not, but thanks for the suggestion. We'll think on that.

2. Adaxes custom attributes are stored on Adaxes backend, which is ADAM or AD LDS, and thus any limitations to such attributes are also imposed by ADAM/AD LDS. There is no hard limit as to how many values you can store in a multi-valued attribute, because the limit is applied not to the number of values, but rather to the size of the attribute (in byte). The practical limit is around 1200-1300 values. Thus, storing the information you request in an external DB or some sort of CSV / TXT files would be a better option.


Hi Support,

thanks a lot for this information.


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