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I think there is a bug in the member selection count in the web UI. When selecting a members in a group to do an export the count is 2x the actual selected users. In my example the group has only one member but selecting the only member says 2 objects selected. If I were to select 5 members it would say 10, but I only am showing one user in the example.

by (370 points)


What version of Adaxes are you using (including the build number)? Also what browser and browser version are you using?

When the issue occurs, do you do anything else on the same page besides selecting the users? Do you go straight to the Members section, start selecting the users and the issue occurs, or do you do anything else before selecting the users when the issue occurs?

Such behavior is very strange and we didn't see anything like this before, so we need as much info from you as possible in order to reproduce it in our testing environment.


We are using 2014.1 (3.7.11709.0)
Chrome 42.0.2311.152 m & Internet Explorer 11 (same issue on both)
I am only selecting the users immediately after browsing to the page, nothing else



Does this happen with all groups or only with some groups?

Also, can you back up the configuration of the Adaxes Web Interface and send the backup file to support[at]adaxes.com? For information on how to back up the Web interface configuration, see Backup/Restore Web Interface Configuration.


Actually, it only seems to be the case on mail-enabled groups.

I'll send the backup shortly

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer

We confirm this as our bug. Thank you for the bugreport!

The issue is reproduced with mail-enabled groups only. We'll fix it in the nearest release.

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