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I have an issue where the display name attribute is populated in AD, but is not showing in the Web UI under the exchange properties. Is this something I am doing wrong?

by (370 points)

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by (216k points)
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It's because these are different AD attributes. The LDAP name of the attribute that's displayed in Adaxes as Display Name is displayName. The display name set by Exchange is stored in AD attribute that is called displayNamePrintable. In Adaxes, everywhere except for the Exchange Properties section, it is displayed as Simple Display Name.


So I've manually populated the Simple Display Name and it still shows nothing in the exchange properties section. Out of curiosity, I changed the display name of a user I already had configured using Exchange Management Console, and the only attribute I can see that changed was "DisplayName"

I also tried adding to my User Pattern a rule that would assign the value in Full Name to simple display name, and that doesn't seem to have any affect.



The information populated in the Exchange Properties section is retrieved by Adaxes directly from your Exchange server using Exchange management cmdlets. In particular, the display name is returned by the Get-Mailbox cmdlet. If you change somthing inside the section, the information will be also sent to the Exchange Server using Exchange management cmdlets, for example, Set-Mailbox.

The display name parameter in the Exchange Properties section is the Simple Display Name returned by Exchange management cmdlets. This property can be set for a mailbox using the Set-Mailbox cmdlet using the SimpleDisplayName parameter. The attribute that is returned / changed by the cmdlets is always Simple Display Name.

As far as we know, Exchange Management Console also shows the Simple Display Name, however Exchange Control Panel available in Exchange 2013 shows the Display Name attribute instead of Simple Display Name. The cmdlets return the Simple Display Name, however. Hence the difference.

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