Dear Support, is it possible to manage rule-based groups through console or this feature is only available via web?
Hello Dmytro,
There is no possibility to manage rule-based groups in Adaxes Administration Console. It can only be done in the Web Interface.
Try to look into extending the timeout of the web interface on Adaxes
Hi, I were unable to find a publicly available information about release dates for the next Adaxes major version, including at Since in my ... 's mid 2020 already, when can we expect a 2020.1 version please? Thank you.
I am trying to build a custom command to add a specific user to a rule based group in adaxes and I am curious if it is something we can use the API to complete?
Hi all, We had patches installed on our Adaxes 2018.2, 2008 R2 server the other night. As part of that, Windows Management Framework ... -44db-b83c-3a0696611ddd/could-not-load-file-or-assembly-systemmanagementautomation-version3000?forum=virtualmachinemanager
Hello there, We have recently moved (almost) every computer from on-prem to cloud only and have setup some scheduled tasks to disable users based off of Last Logon and Last Logon ... in a different way? And if not, are there any plans to leverage that data?