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Is there any way using Adaxes you can select a particular user and see all the other Exchange mailboxes they have access to?
I know this is tricky in Exchange and needs a Powershell command to achieve it.

Thank you


by (700 points)

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by (216k points)
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Hello Carole,

Yes, you are right, this can be done with the help of a PowerShell script. For example, you can use a script that would output the mailboxes a user has access to into the Execution Log. Also, you can create a Custom Command that would execute the script on users.

However, we have a concern related to performance here. The thing is that getting all mailboxes a user has access to requires fetching the delegates of all mailboxes, and then iterating through the mailboxes and delegates to find the necessary ones. If you have many users in your AD, it can take quite a while, especially, if these are Exchange Online mailboxes. How many users do you have in your AD? Are the mailboxes located on premises or in Exchange Online?


I see your point. We've got around 3000 mailboxes which are on premise.




Hello Carole,

OK, we've asked our script guys to write a script that will do the job and test it on around 4000 mailboxes to see how fast it completes. We'll update this topic as soon as they come up with some results.


Hello Carole,

We've tested the required functionality in our environment, and it is very slow even on 1000 mailboxes. The script returns mailboxes a user has Full Access to in around 8-10 minutes. Given 3000 mailboxes and a real-life environment where many users are connecting to DCs and Exchange Servers all the time, that will be even worse.

We can suggest a workaround with a Scheduled Task that will run, say, once or a couple of times a day. The task will store mailboxes a user has Full Access to in a certain attribute of the user account. Thus, when viewing properties of a user, it will be possible to see the mailboxes the user has Full Access to by simply checking the attribute. As for the attribute you can use, it can be a certain multivalued attribute that can store DN values, for example, See Also. When viewing such an attribute in the Web Interface, users will be able to simply click on an entry to view the properties of the mailbox it represents.

The advantage of this method is that users won't have to wait to view the output. The disadvantage is that it won't be real time. The attribute will store the delegation by the time when the Scheduled Task was run on a particular mailbox.

If you are OK with such a solution, we can provide you the details on how to implement it.


Depending on what you are trying to achieve, Exchange might populate this information for you already: MsExchDelegateListBL

It comes with some heavy limitation (full controll only, require per user delegation, ...) but it would be the fastest way to get that info.



Thanks for both your replies.

With the way we work MsExchDelegateListBL would be a good option. I've looked at the AD properties in the Adaxes console for users who I know have access to other mailboxes and the information seems to be correct. I've added this attribute into the web console for the helpdesk and although the heading displays the values do not. Do I need to do another step?

Thanks again


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