0 votes

When usng the example publish link: <a href="http://example.com/Adaxes/SelfService/#/SelfPasswordReset?ReturnUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwebsite.com">Forgot password?</a>

With ADFS, the URL is not correctly handled by Adaxes, so if you cancle/return from the self service portal, you get a failure on the returning ADFS page.

URL Pre Self Service: https://our adfs url/adfs/ls/?SAMLRequest=lZFPS8NAEMW/Sth7uts0f8rQBGJ7sFAxNNGDF1mTqQ0ks3FnI/34tlWxIhQ8DvPem5nfLFj33QD56Pa0xbcR2XmHviOGcyMVoyUwmlsG0j0yuBrK/G4DwUTBYI0ztemElzOjda2hpSEee7Ql2ve2xoftJhV75wYGKQdjne4mByRD/rDXtteT2vQQhjN5ygyULAuZL0vhrY57tKRPiT/+Hf/xSt3sWHYshbdepeIZaz3FYB6peBpOd42qo6QJkybGKNbzJg6PMuYR18ROk0tFoALlq8RXUaUUqBmo5El4xdddNy01Lb1eh/DyKWK4rarCL+7LSniPaPm8+lEgssUJJZwH2wu412P1N1GR/YvfQl5Myz6r3//NPgA=&RelayState=DKsBAFqP/l41MzM5MTNmNmE0MDA2ZmU0MzJhZWQzZWRmYTdiYTVkNQ==&SigAlg=http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256&Signature=mGbbcJPz+Zfi+tCDbOFGRMMN2oxA/hzTkFc4jvvNJaG7GWfd38Pe097YDVySESxPRDtRRff7wKgrZreW3/6CB/hL7TFxQ7Ck1cKnJUJrawCzoHlolIRVWM7+1eCqdRDKW9cWdLcMWXtJczPEyu53LmP0Dp6Lpqf8ZRlBbf/+7mpBDKM/2LeACI0vfCq8o5JbBi0JKrIwufNJ+YmmyH1zVMEa2NOXkbw9M5nydVhiFwaXb91WBQDji7wiH4KZdQwRGQV0FrMMxR2jIIInJLsEjBLobVwmRb2TgcN32f9g10dvsouZ34zdbVQ/BY6zUkLyqxEu9bgNQcrQaHeQdry47g==

URL Post Self Service: https://our adfs url/adfs/ls/?SAMLRequest=lZFPS8NAEMW/Sth7uts0f8rQBGJ7sFAxNNGDF1mTqQ0ks3FnI/34tlWxIhQ8DvPem5nfLFj33QD56Pa0xbcR2XmHviOGcyMVoyUwmlsG0j0yuBrK/G4DwUTBYI0ztemElzOjda2hpSEee7Ql2ve2xoftJhV75wYGKQdjne4mByRD/rDXtteT2vQQhjN5ygyULAuZL0vhrY57tKRPiT/+Hf/xSt3sWHYshbdepeIZaz3FYB6peBpOd42qo6QJkybGKNbzJg6PMuYR18ROk0tFoALlq8RXUaUUqBmo5El4xdddNy01Lb1eh/DyKWK4rarCL+7LSniPaPm8+lEgssUJJZwH2wu412P1N1GR/YvfQl5Myz6r3//NPgA=

As you can see, there is considerable different between what was used in the reset link as the Return URL and what Adaxes returns the user to

by (70 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but it is not quite clear where exactly you are using the link. Could you, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) all the possible details regarding the configuration you made in Adaxes and the desired behavior? Screenshots would be very helpful. Also, please, specify the exact steps taken to reproduce the issue. If you face any error messages, please, post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) screenshots.

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