0 votes

Hi - do you have a quick way to return an objects CN string formatted in a way suitable for appending to a URL link?

For example if I want to send an email to someone with a direct link to an object I can embed the following:

http://adaxes/SelfService/ViewObject.as ... oot,DC=net[/b]

but this would need to be encoded as:

http://adaxes/SelfService/ViewObject.as ... 2cDC%3dnet[/b]

Or is there a way of using something simple like the GUID as a viewobject.aspx variable?

by (1.6k points)

We had been creating direct links into Adaxes from several different systems using an object's GUID and the /ViewObject.aspx?guid= URL format up until we upgraded to Adaxes 2023. Now when we try to navigate to that URL we get a 404 error. Is there an alternative URL to use for direct linking to an object?



The URLs with that format do not work in Adaxes 2023. The correct formats are as follows:



In the URLs, <ObjectDN> and <ObjectGUID> represent the distinguished name the GUID accordingly. Both approaches work just fine.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


You can use a GUID for this purpose, for example: http://adaxes.domain.com/AdaxesAdmin/Vi ... F73933E0E8.

To insert the GUID of the target object of an operation into an email template or PowerShell script, you can use the %objectGUID% value reference. For example the following text: %adm-WebInterfaceUrl%ViewObject.aspx?guid=%objectGUID%

will be replaced with: http://adaxes.domain.com/AdaxesSelfServ ... F73933E0E8

where http://adaxes.domain.com/AdaxesSelfService/ is the path to Adaxes Web Interface registered for your Adaxes service. For information on how to register an Adaxes Web Interface for your service, see Register Web Interface for Service.


As always - many thanks!

Out of interest, if I try to pull the GUID from a bound CN i.e.


it returns sopmething like:

2 150 200 56 51 20 123 96153 21 133 170 32 56 160 130

Do I have to covert this?

Thanks again - I just wish I had an IDE where I could see the variables being processed :(



This is because object GUIDs are stored in AD in the form of an octet string or, in other words, a sequence of 16 bytes. To get a string representation of a GUID, you need to convert it. For example:

$objectGuidInByte = $refObject.Get("objectGUID")
$objectGuid = New-Object "System.Guid" (,$objectGuidInByte)
$objectGuidString = $objectGuid.ToString("D")

Thanks again - I just wish I had an IDE where I could see the variables being processed :(

Well, a good point, but we don't think it's ever to be implemented :)

By the way, take a look at our SDK, it has a plenty of examples and useful info to start from: http://adaxes.com/sdk/.


Thanks again.

re: the SDK - unfortunately, while it looks absolutely jam packed full of good code snippets etc, there's no way of searching it as a non-programmer!

Generally speaking I quite often know what I want to do, and have a fair idea how to, but the SDK site is (well) organisationed in a way that means you really have to know what you're looking for in order to find it.

This thread was a good example - I fairly much guessed I had to convert it into a different format, but didn't know from what format, to what format, and what the commands would be. If I had the ability to search the SDK site for mentions of "convert" I'm sure I would've been able to find something that gave me enough of a headsup to work it out (and I prefer to do that!).

So there you go, a new feature request - searchable SDK\Help sites!

PS I'm sure the script repository will also help. :)



We are currently working on re-launching the Script Repository. Hope you'll find it useful :)

As for searchable help, actually, you have an offline copy of Adaxes SDK. It is a CHM file located in the directory where you installed Adaxes Administration Console (which is C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Administration Console by default). The file name is adaxessdk.chm. It is a searchable CHM file that you can use in such cases when you don't know exactly what to search for.

Edit page for target object

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