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We are considering your product and interested to see if it fits in our use case.

Imagine a scenario where you have a niche SaaS product that runs in a self contained Windows domain and as new customers come along, the entire set of VM's is cloned for the new customer in its own VLAN. While perhaps creating a new unique domain (name and SID) and scripting the creation of objects and the creation of all other parts of the enivronment might have been a better choice, those choices were made in the past...... and perhaps we can adopt that strategy in the future...

So here we are now... we're looking for a centralized user management tool that can connect to each isolated environment - say via firewall rules - and manage the domain there..... except each domain is named exactly the same as the other. I assume we can orgnaize them under business units and we'd obviously have to point them via IP address or some DNS exntry that exists at our top level such as "customer1-<ClonedDomainName>.local

Can your product handle non-unique domain names and SID's and in what fashion?


by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to manage multiple domains with same names and SIDs using Adaxes.

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