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We are using Adaxes to manage multiple domains. upwards of 10 domains. There is no trust between the domains. The are all separate stand alone. We want to setup a scheduled task that runs a powershell script on a select number of computers. The scope will include multiple computers from different domains. How can i setup my task to use credentials for computers in a certain domain and then credentials from another domain depending on the location of the computer. Each domain has an Adaxes service account setup and that is what i would want to use.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. It can only be done using multiple Scheduled Tasks scoped for each domain separately. In the Run As section of the Run a program or PowerShell script action of each task, the account whose credentials will be used should be specified. To get the credentials in the script, use the $Context.RunAs property. For an example on how to use the approach, have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/force-active-directory-replication-s440.htm.

Should you have issues writing the script, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding what exactly it should do and we will help you.


Can i run the scheduled task as a local account?

When i use an invoke command with a specified credential in my script i get the following: image.png

This is how i call the credentials from windows credential manager:

import-module StoredCredentials
$xCredental = Get-StoredCredential <#Name of stored Credential#>

$xRemoteCommand1 = `
    # Do Stuff

Invoke-Command -ComputerName %cn% -ScriptBlock $xRemoteCommand1 -credential $xCredental


Can i run the scheduled task as a local account?

Yes, you can specify any username and password in the Run As section and then use the credentials in your script:

$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -String $Context.RunAs.Password
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($Context.RunAs.UserName, $password)

$xRemoteCommand1 = `
    # Do Stuff

Invoke-Command -ComputerName %cn% -ScriptBlock $xRemoteCommand1 -credential $credential

When i use an invoke command with a specified credential in my script i get the following:

It looks like you are using a custom module and the Get-StoredCredential cmdlet prompts to enter credentials. It is not possible to use such cmdlets in scripts executed in Adaxes.

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